If you could see yourself as I see you, you would know that you are Capable of Healing THE WHOLE WORLD!
– Emerald Green Solar Color Energy

If you’ve felt helpless and wondered what you can do to help heal people physically suffering in the world, join Helen Heinmiller, the Queen of Color, as she conveys a powerful answer to this pertinent question from the EMERALD GREEN Solar Color Energy.

Discover that healing ourselves or supporting healing others is much easier than we think. It doesn’t take money, power or much time and Emerald Green is ready to show us how.

The gift of healing is waiting for all of us! The world needs us to become Color Angels now! Emerald Green shows us an easy meditation technique that brings more of our powerful Soul Light into our bodies and energy fields, along with the healing Emerald Green Energy, for our healing; and then shows us how to use our light to support others.

Next month, you will meet the engaging Ruby-Gold Solar Color Energy that is ready to help us heal our mental, emotional, and spiritual troubles!

Helen is also teaching an online course Healing with Solar Color Energies at Sacred U!

Read Helen’s article The Color Revolution in The Owl magazine for more.

For more information on all of Helen’s services and her new inspirational adventure/thriller, Final Redemption, visit www.evolvingtruths.com

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