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Rachel Mann, PhD interviews author, shamanic healer and teacher, Christina Pratt, founder of the Last Mask Center about the importance of healing trauma, our ancestral lines, and the initiation of our young into spiritual adulthood. Christina discusses how the resistance we feel both individually and collectively to undertaking the steep incline to what she calls spiritual adulthood normal and yet must be faced if we are to create a world of peace.

Christina Pratt is a healer, author and teacher of exceptional clarity, humor and practicality. At the Last Mask Center, which she founded, she is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with complex trauma, the healing of our ancestral lines and initiation of our young into spiritual adulthood. The Center offers healing sessions, online classes, and in-person retreats. She is the author of The Encyclopedia of Shamanism and the host of radio show, “Why Shamanism Now?”

Rachel Mann, Ph.D., is a sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor. Learn more at

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