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“Identifying your fears is the #1 way to move forward.”

Rebecca L. Mahan has had to face her own share of traumas and challenges. Her career in law enforcement inspired her to create a 30 day trauma program for abused women in the community, and for those in the prison system. The project produced incredible healing results. “I noticed the same solutions, techniques, tools and resources I was able to provide people to move beyond domestic violence applied to a number of other traumas, including sexual trauma.”

Rebecca L. Mahan is a published author, and an award winning radio show host and producer. She is the Media Director for the Liberty Beacon Project and Host of TLBTV’s Rebecca Sounds Reveille.

She’s a United States Marine Corps veteran, and a retired police officer of over 10 years. Rebecca also has multiple Bachelor degrees in Church Ministry and Occupational Studies -Vocational Arts, as well as a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. She is a certified Mediator and Event Planner. Visit to learn more about her programs and services. (V.O.T.E. – Victims Overcoming Traumatic Events)

Read Janie’s A Sacred Story in The Owl magazine.

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