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What are the implications of a planet that has gone global in economics, communications, and socially in many ways? How has globalization changed the face of civilization? What are its threats and opportunities?

Dr. Alexander Chumakov and Glen Martin author of The Earth Constitution Solution, talk about the phenomenon of globalization, an area in which Dr. Chumakov is an expert.

Insulated cultures and nations have suddenly become neighbors with the globalization of transport and communications, and the world has become very small. People have not adapted to this new reality and continue to cling to fragmented ideas of who they are in their disparate communities.

This is a major problem causing such phenomena as astronomical war expenditures that take away from out ability to deal with other global problems like climate crisis. A Constitution for the Federation of Earth would be a great gift to humanity toward solving all these problems.

Aleksandr Nikolayevich Chumakov is professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, editor-in-chief of the Age of Globalization Journal, member of the Presidium of the Russian Ecological Academy, member of the Board of AIPPh (Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie). General Secretary of the Philosophical Society of the USSR (1987-1991); First Vice President of the Russian Philosophical Society (1991-2020). Participant and the leader of sections and round tables on global studies at the XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV World Philosophical Congresses. International Gusi Peace Prize winner (2015). The author of more than 700 works on social philosophy, philosophy and methodology of global studies, including those in foreign languages.

Dr. Glen T. Martin is professor of philosophy Emeritus at Radford University in Virginia. He is President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute (EC). His newest book called The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet examines the global environmental crisis in depth along with the world system causing this crisis. It shows how the Earth Constitution addresses this crisis in all its multiple dimensions.

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