“Only you can truly look inside your self. You are the only magician of your soul.”

Sarah Hawk is a trusted advisor, powerful change agent, and a compassionate soul coach.

Sacred Story

After my sister died in a car accident, I was diagnosed with PTSD, suffered from depression, developed cancerous cells and lost meaning in life. After over a year of experiencing intense suicidal thoughts and daily flashbacks (despite having gone to psychiatrists and psychologists, following life coach advice, and reading every book I was able to find, yet experiencing no relief in symptoms), I received an “energy extraction” ~a shamanic healing method~ that can remove intrusive energies after one has experienced trauma. After this single healing session, which lasted only 45 minutes, I never had a flashback again. This was back in 2007.

Healing works differently for everyone, so it may or may not work for you. All I can say is that it was through my direct experience with shamanic healing and energy medicine that I transformed my life. At the time, I did not believe in any of it, yet the effects were clear, real, felt, and undeniable.

After this experience of healing, naturally I wanted to learn more. I continued with shamanic healing, ceremonies, energy medicine and brainwave development. I also utilized physical movement and self defense training for my anger and depression, which helped tremendously.

In less than 2 years, I healed my depression and all other dis-eases.

Through my journey, I now have a toolbox that I am able to access and utilize whenever life requires. I know that anything can be healed that comes up in life and that I play a vital part in healing myself and in the creation of my experiences. To me, this way of being is where true power and empowerment live: in our self and in healthily navigating our soul.

The soul’s journey is ever ongoing. To be a soul in our healthy, healed and naturally vibrant state requires steady awareness and daily work. Over the years, I have continued to built my toolbox and have gone deeper and deeper into the wisdom of my own soul to get to the bottom of my actions, my presence and my contribution to the world. It is an honor to support others in their learning, healing and growth as I tend to mine at the same time, with love.

Sarah graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Maryland with a major in psychology, earned an MBA from Georgetown University, and spent nearly a decade as a senior change management consultant before beginning her entrepreneurial ventures. Sarah also is a formerly California-State certified rape crisis counselor, and she served several years as a Senior Trainer for Personal Safety and Emotional Self Care for Global Journalist Security. In addition, she was awarded the title Honor Guardian for Arlington Cemetery by the Mindful Memorial Foundation for her work to support Gold Star Families and their fallen service members who are buried there.

Sarah spent nearly six years studying energy medicine. She earned a certification as Master Practitioner in Energy Medicine and Luminous Healing. She also completed private brainwave development training with Anna Wise to ensure that her shamanic journeying and meditation techniques are measurably and consistently producing specific changes in brainwave activity that are appropriate for the healing at hand.

Sarah is also trained to work with Healing Touch, therapeutic-grade essential oils, butterfly and mushroom essences, crystals, animal spirits, the Wisdom Teachings of the Essenes, as well as the Angelic and Archangelic realms. She is the founder of Luminous Warrior, the creator of the Path of Power, as well as the co-facilitator of the Brain Crystal Activation.

Sarah is a native speaker of both English and German. She has been featured on Blogtalk Radio, Active Life DC, Unleash Your Voice, Galtime and Transformation 365. She has authored two ebooks and has written several articles in English as well as German, ranging from self defense to energy medicine.

When Sarah is not coaching, strengthening, supporting or guiding others, she enjoys laughing, dancing, singing, meditating, going for walks, being inspired through music and children’s books, deepening into her own soul space, and connecting to her soul family all over the world.

  • Music was my first love. When I was 7, I was offered the opportunity to go to a conservatory in Berlin, Germany for playing the violin. I never went but I still sing and dance every chance I get, even alone in my living room.
  • I have a brown belt in Krav Maga and in my time as an instructor, I even taught some secret service agents!
  • I wasn’t a very good MBA student. The entire two years in business school, I kept wondering why we are being taught to use people and pollute the earth for the sake of profit.