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Dr. Glen Martin, author of The Earth Constitution Solution discusses with Rev. Laura M. George, J.D. our planetary crisis through the lens of Spiral Dynamics. They state that people around the world are operating at different levels of consciousness from very primitive power and authority based consciousness to “pluralistic” consciousness in which they are advanced beyond ethnocentric narrowness but still not advanced to a “second tier” consciousness capable of seeing the dynamics of the whole and advancing its own evolution consciously.
It may be that an advanced consciousness of only 10% of the world’s population will be sufficient to make the great transition—a transition that must and should include ratification of the Earth Constitution.

Rev. Laura M. George, J.D. is a retired attorney and Executive Director of The Oracle Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity. She received her undergraduate degree in Commerce from the University of Virginia, her law degree from Boston University, and her ministerial training through the interfaith Order of Melchizedek.

The Oracle Institute serves as an “Advocate for Peace and a Vanguard for Conscious Evolution,” and its formal mission statement is Thomas Jefferson’s Act for Religious Freedom. Oracle operates as a spiritual think-tank and studies the nexus between religion, politics, human rights, and conscious evolution. Rev. George often writes about the “Trickle-Down Deity Theory,” which posits that humanity’s view of the Godhead necessarily defines all cultural experience. She is the author of the award-winning Oracle Trilogy: The Truth, The Love, and The Light.

At the Peace Pentagon in Independence, Virginia, Rev. George oversees Oracle’s award-winning publishing house, multi-faith spirituality school, and international peacebuilding practice. The Peace Pentagon is a training and retreat center for progressive and pluralistic programs, such as the Building the New World Conferences. The Peace Pentagon also serves as the U.S. headquarters for the Earth Constitution Institute, the heart of the Valley of Light community, and the soul of Oracle Temple, an esoteric church founded by Rev. George.

Dr. Glen T. Martin is professor of philosophy Emeritus at Radford University in Virginia. He is President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute (EC). His newest book called The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet examines the global environmental crisis in depth along with the world system causing this crisis. It shows how the Earth Constitution addresses this crisis in all its multiple dimensions.

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