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“The #1 cause for suicide and depression is believing that life is meaningless.” ~ Dr. Sunita Punjabi

On this episode of The Sacral Circle Dr. Sunita Punjabi, a psychologist and licensed therapist specializing in neurofeedback and neuro-integration, shares with host Janie Terrazas the importance of addressing our traumas holistically.

They discuss how childhood trauma shapes our brain, impacts our health, impedes our joy and dictates our perception of reality. You’ll hear about the empowering Japanese life concept Ikigai, as well as the self care practices and the latest technologies that are helping rewire and strengthen brains.

We can redefine our narrative and design our life deliberately. Dr. Sunita had to overcome her own traumas in order to be where she is today personally and professionally. “I used my trauma as an access to my calling“. She’s dedicated her life to helping others view their trauma in a new way, so they can take back their sense of wholeness and worthiness.

Dr. Sunita Punjabi, the founder of Brain Coach LLC, is an expert trainer in neuro-feedback, using therapeutic methods from the fast growing field of neuroplasticity Sunita is able to guide people towards finding their best life. Based on her research, helping people to find a sense of life purpose ignites the brain while reversing or slowing brain degeneration. Through her doctorate work with the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and her professional work in the community, she teaches individuals proven strategies to uncover and break barriers to living a life that they love. Sunita brings her Eastern heritage to modern day science in order to assist people to intentionally create meaning and find a cause worthy of their lives.

For more on host Janie Terrazas visit

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