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‘When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. ~Anonymous

Join the multi-generational conversation between Bernie Siegel MD, NY Times bestselling author of Love, Medicine and Miracles and his grandson Charlie Siegel on their belief that the imperfections of life are truly what is perfect about it. Through alternating poetic writings in their new book titled When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is Bernie shares his wisdom as someone who had to learn who his God is through the pain experienced as a pediatric surgeon and Charlie shares his deep insights from a younger, more idealist perspective.

Enjoy as Charlie reads the opening poem in the book Truth, Love and Light that asks ‘what if everything was predetermined to be undetermined?’ and Bernie reads his closing poem in the book Hello God. This is a conversation you will want to share with those you love!

Click to find out more and read an excerpt of When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is.

BERNIE SIEGEL, MD is a NY Times bestselling author, lecturer, founder of ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients) and a retired pediatric/general surgeon. He has been called a leading teacher of the Mind-Body Connection and is the paternal grandfather of Charlie Siegel. Bernie seeks to help everyone find true health and happiness.

CHARLIE SIEGEL is a spiritual fiction author and poet, as well as a fine art nature photographer. His lifelong study of the martial arts is another facet of his spiritual practice. Charlie is the oldest grandson of Bernie Siegel, MD.

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