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The Absolute Alchemist, Vanessa Eans shares the horrific childhood she endured because of the sexual abuse by her father and other men. Vanessa internalized the rage and anger she felt which led to a destructive lifestyle. Yet despite the internal hell and chaos she grew up in, she says “the voice” of spirit always guided and protected her.

As a mother Vanessa was determined to protect her children from having to face the same abuse, but still her worst nightmare came to fruition. It was in the midst of this that Vanessa began to truly heal the darkness of her trauma that still lived within. “I think it’s crucial that we’re able to actually talk about our trauma without guilt, shame, judgment and condemnation… It’s important to transmute our pain and regain our sovereignty.”


Meet Vanessa Eans: I have always known Spirit. We have communicated since I was very young. Spirit has and is always revealing the truth of Oneness with God within All of Humanity. Honestly I spent many years resisting this truth due to pain, and in that I excluded myself and others. Wounds that another caused me and wounds I caused another. I’ve been broken many, many times. Yet Spirit would never let me just sit, withdrawn, wounded and quiet no matter how much I wanted to. Spirit would heal me and each time I would get more sensitive to another’s suffering. Be it through visions, feeling, sensing or knowing…Spirit would nudge and sometimes push me (’cause I can be *ahem* a lil stubborn) to connect to another to get a message to them to connect them to God. I guess I finally wizened up to my calling ’cause here I Am…broken OPEN!  My function in this realm is to be a channeler (or conduit) of communications from the spirit realm.

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