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“My life changed forever, one day at a time.”

Dr. Jane Galloway’s story starts off “It only took a moment! And it wasn’t a “rock” bottom, but more like a trampoline bounce. The first time I attended an AA meeting, I was beat—out of good ideas, depressed, adrift, and physically and emotionally sick.”

Today Jane is celebrating life and four decades of sobriety. She shares her conversion story, the ensuing journey, and an inspiring perspective that although she never wants to go back to where she was, the bottom she hit was her greatest gift.

Read Jane’s life changing story in our new book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change!

Dr. Jane S. Galloway is the author of The Gateways: The Wisdom of 12- Step Spirituality and founder of T.R.I.B.E. Transformation /Realization /Inspiration /Belonging /Expression. Dr. Galloway is also a career actor, ordained minister, painter, and playwright.

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