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“We knew we were loved, but we did not know if we were safe.”

Misty Tyme grew up with her mom Betty who not only strived for admiration and love, she demanded it. Fueled by broken relationships, disappointments, and vodka, Betty Tyme became increasingly more difficult to deal with and Misty’s seething resentment towards her mother and her difficult family life grew.

Misty beautifully captures the complexities of her mom and her relationship with her and the pivotal moment when Misty’s path to forgiveness began in our bestselling book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy.

Misty Tyme is a Forgiveness Expert, author, speaker, corporate trainer,
host / emcee, Certified Death Doula, Interfaith Reverend, author of the
self-help book The Forgiveness Solution, and creator of The Forgiveness Algorithm™. Her mission is clear: to bring a forgiveness tool to a cynical world that is craving a way to let go of pain and anger.

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