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“Learn how to love you.”

Lynn Reilly’s pattern of putting others first began as a young child as she watched her mother’s bouts of delusion, disoriented states, debilitating depression, and highs interspersed between the lows. Lynn’s mom suffered with bipolar disorder and eventually took her own life. Listen in as Lynn candidly and courageously shares how her relationship with her mother shaped her own life.

Read Lynn’s full story and find out how she finally became the parent, protector, and friend she always wanted in our bestselling book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy.

Lynn Reilly is the author of the self-care book 30 Days to Me: A Working Book to Living a Serendipitous Life. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Master Energy Therapist whose passion is educating people on how to understand and support themselves to live a serendipitous life … a life filled with unexpected joy … a life meant to be.

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