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Do you have a deep connection with your animal companions?

Ellie Pechet generously shares her loving and deep relationship with her animal companions, her cats Blue and Snickers. Hear her heart expanding story of how after Blue and Snickers transitioned they guided and supported Ellie in creating a safe passageway for turtles to cross.

Meet turtle Ellie Jr. in Chaos to Clarity (book 1 in our series) and deepen your appreciation for the beautiful relationship Ellie Pechet has with her animal companions in our bestselling book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy.

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. is a metaphysician, medium, shaman, and author with thirty-four years of experience in the intuitive counseling/energy healing field. She works successfully with clients all over the world and heals emotional & physical issues such as grief, depression, trauma, anxiety,  chronic pain, and many physical conditions.

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