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Can the UN be reformed to represent black people more fully or do we need a more democratic world system in which black people have a real voice? Dr. Glen Martin, author of The Earth Constitution Solution discusses Africa and black liberation globally: world crises, sovereignty, and the problem of world unity with Fritz Pointer, Vice-President of the Democratic World Federalists.
Fritz Pointer is the Vice-President of the Democratic World Federalists (DWF) located in San Francisco. He holds two MA degrees, one in African Studies from UCLA and the other in African Culture and Languages from U. of Wisconsin at Madison. He is also author of two books on Africa entitled A Passion to Liberate  and An African Epic in Oral Poetry.
Dr. Glen T. Martin is professor of philosophy Emeritus at Radford University in Virginia. He is President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute (EC). His newest book called The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet examines the global environmental crisis in depth along with the world system causing this crisis. It shows how the Earth Constitution addresses this crisis in all its multiple dimensions.

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