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Monica Ibarra, an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ candidly unveils her stories of physical abuse at the hands of her alcoholic father, and the family incest she faced. She bravely exposes her past pain and how it impacted her adult life.

We also cover the sacredness and the healing power of our sexuality, and why it’s important for us to heal our bodies of trauma, as well as the mental distortions left behind.  Monica says, “Our eyes are like a window that come into our soul.”

In closing, Monica takes us through a prayer of healing.

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Monica Ibarra is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2011, Monica was led to birth HisGirl Ministries. Through this ministry, many women’s lives have been impacted in profound ways.

Her first book, Take Your Position Daughter” is based on Monica Ibarra’s teaching series, “Take Your Position, Daughter of the KING.” This God inspired series has proven to be an effective tool that brings women healing from emotional pain and propels them toward a deeper intimacy with the LORD. Monica also hosts a weekly radio broadcast called “Lighting UP the Nations” on Radio Air Jesus (