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Explore how changing the world can begin with changing the birthing process, how to enhance the second chakra as the seat of feminine power, and how to embrace living true to self with host Seana Zelazo and her guest Dr. Nathan Riley.

Host Seana Zelazo is a psychotherapist and the author of the bestselling book The Way of Inanna: A Heroine’s Guide to Living Unapologetically is available from booksellers worldwide and at

Dr. Nathan Riley is an ally of the Divine Feminine, devoting his life’s work to the health and wellbeing, empowerment, and sovereignty of women. Specializing in rites of passage, he is an OBGYN and a hospice and palliative doctor. He is the founder of Beloved Holistics, a Private Contract Association with the mission to foster autonomy in the birth experience by empowering and honoring the intuitive nature of the birthing miracle. His own podcast, The Holistic OBGYN, invites us to own our sovereignty and explores everything from birth, death, and spirituality, to living in balance.

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