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The powerhouse that is Rev. Valerie Love is a perfect embodiment of the unapologetic heroine. Like the Goddess Inanna, Rev. Love’s wisdom teachings on being a Christian witch provide us with the permission to accept the truth of who we are.

The trials and tribulations of her initiatory process forced Rev. Love to figure out how to cultivate and honor her throat chakra so she could prioritize speaking her truth. She has since taught countless others how to do the same through her ministry and her writing.

Together we explore how to reclaim our true voice, heal our ancestral lineage, and find our footing when the ground beneath us erodes.

Host Seana Zelazo is the author of the bestselling book The Way of Inanna: A Heroine’s Guide to Living Unapologetically is available from booksellers worldwide and at

Valerie Love is the author of 24 books, a Christian Witch, ordained minister, public speaker, retreat leader and women’s empowerment guide, Valerie Love supports individuals in remembering and aligning with their destiny.

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