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Expand your understanding of Walk-In Souls!

Join the conversation with Rev. Ariel and explore the fascinating experience of Walk-In Souls, the cycles of the Soul, and the soul aspects of the Sheantiaskaan, the Higher Self, Spirit, and the Soul. Delve deeper into your pre-birth plan, soul origin, soul group and soul family members.

Continue to unravel the mysteries of our eternal souls with Sheila Seppi, author of the fascinating book Walk-Ins and the Cosmology of the Soul and creator of an incredible course on Sacred U by the same name.

Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in entering the body of a 38-year old mother of three children and immediately healed from documented illnesses. Sheila is an author, speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, and events coordinator. She is the founder of SpiritWay Wellness in Eagle Vail, Colorado and the founder of the Conscious Awakening Event Series. Learn more at

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