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“You have to learn how to welcome the tears when you heal these deep wounds.”
On this episode of The Sacral Circle, USMC Veteran Justin Bustamante shares the uncomfortable process he’s gone through since his last visit on the show.  He shares how restoring his self value and worth, positively impacted all areas of his life.
Justin is also Janie’s partner, and the two share the importance of creating safe intimate space for vulnerability within partnership. “I knew if I wanted to have a healthy relationship I was going to have to face this head on.  The talk with my mom had to happen. It was like going into cold deep water…but once you make the leap the relief is almost instant.” 
IG FB @JustinTheChangeArtist
Hello, I am Justin The Change Artist and I believe that lasting change is an experience not a process. There are so many 3 letter therapies that finding one that works can be a bigger headache than the issues you need it for.

I felt the same way when transitioning from the United States Marine Corps, so I set out to find what made them all work. My tenacity lead me to NLP and Conversational Hypnosis, and an understanding of the human mind that made logical sense when addressing things like, stress, anxiety and larger issues like eating disorders and PTSD.

This knowledge helped me understand how to ease the transition and take back control of my mind, my body, and my life and now I help people overcome similar issues using the combination of NLP, Hypnosis, and ‘thought experiments’ come to be known as Change Work.

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