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Healing after a narcissist

Master Alchemist Elisha Marie, shares her story of healing and rebuilding post her divorce from a narcissist. She shares how she holistically rose above her trauma, and how she’s used her testimony to fuel her purpose. “Knowing yourself, inside and out, is like peeling back the layers of an onion…You have to feel to heal…It’s staying consistent and having the resilience to want to feel better.” Elisha passionately and compassionately helps others reconnect to their true self, so they can create more peace and joy in their lives.

Elisha Marie owner of Alchemy Flow. Wellness Coach and Master Alchemist
RYT-200/ Stress.Trauma.Tantra Focused Yoga, Yin Yoga Level 2 Emotional Resilience Chopra Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor, Chopra Certified Ayurvedic in training Website:
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IG: ElishaOrbit Alchemy

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