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What does it mean to be a Guardian of Knowledge?

Did you know the multi-dimensional DNA in your body has the ability to communicate with higher realms?  And that you can perceive things through the instrument of the body and extend your perception out into the Universe?

Intuitive and channel Saryon Michael White tells us our innate abilities are real, but we are at a critical point in our evolution. Will we choose to be more aware of and welcome our abilities as conscious beings or could we lose our connection to the higher realms through our fascination and over-dependence on technology? Listen in and see what you think!

Saryon Michael White is the visionary author of a new fantasy, sci-fi fiction series Roya Sands and the Bridge Between Worlds available from Sacred Stories Publishing and booksellers worldwide.

Saryon Michael White is inspired by visions of humanity’s peace potential and part of his global mission is to link people with a future of human unity through his inspired writings and speeches. Visit

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