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Synchronicity is the engine of Destiny.

Gain your greatest influence for yourself as your destiny unfolds as we conclude our fascinating series with James Redfield, author of the NY Times BestSeller The Celestine Prophecy.

James discusses in depth insights ten through twelve:
10.  Heaven – Guiding Us On Earth
11.  Affirmation, Expectation, and Gratitude
12.  Integration

This is the concluding episode of our four part series discussing in depth all twelve insights and not only what they are, but how you can integrate them in your life. We invite you to tune in for the series!

James Redfield’s first book was The Celestine Prophecy. Using an adventure parable approach that has been called “part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck,” The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives. The book quickly climbed to the #1 position on the New York Times bestsellers list. It remained on that list for more than three years, joined by his second book The Tenth Insight, which built upon the Nine Insights revealed in the first novel.

The Celestine series of adventure parables continued in 1999 with the publication of The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. Set in modern day Tibet, the third book carries readers to a new adventure in a sacred place where truths that can affect all of humanity await. The fourth and final book in the Celestine series, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, was published in February, 2011.

Today a new generation of people are rediscovering the insights in The Celestine Vision and James is once again sharing his work through talks and workshops. Find out more at

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