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Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies

Social scientists and futurists Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak share sound is an integral part of who you are and the larger cosmos in SOUND: Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies, the tenth book in our exciting Common Sentience book series.

Sound is alive in everything and it is tuning humanity to a brighter future. Sing the sacred song of your soul as a musical instrument in the great song of a living universe. SOUND will help you resonate at a higher consciousness!

What makes this book uncommon and truly special is it shares spiritual wisdom on the experience of sound and provides true, mystical stories of those who have profound, resonant experiences.

In Part One: Understanding Sound discover how plants create music and how space is a symphony of creation. Understand archeo-acoustics and how sound is used in sacred temples. Feel the sound waves of Spirit and the healing vibrations of sound.

In Part Two: Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music, and Healing Frequencies witness the science of frequency and timeless art of sound as an instrument of—and entry point to—the Divine as Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak and our sacred storytellers share their mystical experiences, including those of:

• a pianist who received healing through playing her piano
• a man who used song to connect with people who have dementia
• a man who connected with ancient spirits through the ringing stones in South Africa
• a woman who remembered past lives by listening to the sacred chanting of monks
• a recording artist who connected to his healing muse through sound
• a woman who found her voice through speaking light language

In Part Three: Deepening Your Experience with Sound raise your vibration as you chant mantras composed of sacred names, thoughts, and expressions. Create harmony in your life as you embrace the world of musical experience and come in tune with your truest vibrational nature.

Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak are social scientists, composers, authors, and futurists. Dr. J.J. Hurtak is the author of the best-seller The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, translated into twenty-five languages. Together, the Hurtaks are the founders of The Academy For Future Science, an international NGO.

The Hurtaks are well-known as pioneers in Acoustic Archaeology having done music testing in many of the Mayan Temples, as well as the Great Pyramid of Giza. They were part of the team that discovered the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau in 1997.

Audio Samples

Click on the following titles and enjoy the audio samples provided to illustrate some of the beautiful and mystical ways sound can be experienced:

Sacred Seven Chakras

by Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak and composed by Sacred Resonance

Awakening to the Light

by Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak and composed by Sacred Resonance

Music of the Plants

by Darren Curtis and Bradley Pitt of Sacred Resonance

Starry Night

by Darren Curtis and Bradley Pitt of Sacred Resonance

Song of the Initiate

by Patricia Reuel distributed by


Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies

Available in print and ebook from booksellers worldwide and at the below links: