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“We did it for Dee.”

Dennis Pitocco and his wife prepared for a long time to walk the last 205 miles of the Camino de Santiago— starting in Leon, Spain and traveling to the city of Santiago de Compostela— in their search for something more. Little did he know that on the first day of their walk, an unexpected and excruciatingly painful medical issue would have him digging deep to find the inspiration needed to continue.

Read the inspiring story Dennis shared in our new book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change!

Dennis Pitocco is founder, publisher, and Editor-in-Chief of BIZCATALYST 360°, the award-winning business, culture, and lifestyle multimedia digest, serving as the global hub for enhanced performance and well-being. He is also founder and Chief Encouragement Officer of GoodWorks 360°, a virtual non-profit social enterprise dedicated to providing mission-critical, pro bono services to good nonprofits worldwide.

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