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“Who was this man in the mirror?”
“She was perfect. Beautiful. Those eyes, that smile. How could I have rejected her? What kind of person did that make me? Now, a second chance…. unbelievable.”

Mike Pitocco candidly shares he was not a man that he was proud to be. Who is the person with the beautiful smile? How did he reject her and what was his journey to right relationship with her and himself? Read his story of redemption in our bestselling book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy.

Mike Pitocco is married with three children. He retired after thirty-three years with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as a Program Coordinator in the department’s drug treatment initiative. Since then, he has been a chaplain, a consultant with UC San Diego, and Ministry Director for Celebrate Recovery, a faith-based recovery program.

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