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Unpack what it means to be a mindful warrior with former elite and Olympic athletes Cornelia Holden and Kami Craig and host Seana Zelazo. Delve into how the body can be a bridge to emotional-spiritual intelligence. Explore the concept of flow and learn how we can use inner resistance to strengthen ourselves.

Host Seana Zelazo is a psychotherapist and the author of the bestselling book The Way of Inanna: A Heroine’s Guide to Living Unapologetically is available from booksellers worldwide and at

Cornelia Holden & Kami Craig run Mindful Warrior, a globally recognized performance coaching and culture design company. Former elite and Olympic athletes, Cornelia and Kami teach high performers and visionaries how to own their authority and greatness by aligning with flow. Their innovative model incorporates mindfulness, elite athletic training, cutting edge coaching techniques, neuroscience, and wisdom traditions geared to developing emotional-spiritual intelligence.

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