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Jim Phillips is an author, speaker and certified L.I.F.E., spiritual and business coach. For the better part of 30 years, he has been an entrepreneur and business leader inspiring others to higher levels of achievement and understanding through his presentations throughout the United States and parts of Europe.

His true passion, however is the exploration and application of spiritual law as it applies to prosperity and overall quality of life. One of Jim’s gifts is his ability to help others understand and apply complex spiritual concepts to their personal life which has resulted in their creating and experiencing more of what they desire from life.

At the age of thirteen Jim had a profound experience that confirmed he had a very specific message to share about our connection to the Divine. This message was to be shared when the time was right, that time is now.

Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there was a greater need to understand who we are and why we are here. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there have been more people open and receptive to this message.

Jim graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Business Administration and Management. He currently resides in Aldie, VA where he continues his writing, coaching, and speaking.

Jim’s book The Key to Life is available from Sacred Stories Publishing, Amazon, and all major booksellers.

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