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Come into harmony in your life.

Jennifer Gehl tunes us into Astro-Sound which combines the wisdom of astrology with the power of sound to tune individuals to their divine purpose.

The “doctrine of signatures” states that “nature marks each growth according to its curative benefits”. Humans also have a signature, represented by the natal chart. The purpose of Astro-Sound recordings is to restore to wholeness the parts of Self that feel dissonance or do not easily find expression. When all parts are restored to balance and harmony, we quite literally “re-member” who we are.

Jennifer Gehl is the author of two books on planetary science: The Return of Planet Sedna: Astrology, Healing and the Awakening of Cosmic Kundalini, as well as The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine: Restoring the Cosmic Foundations of Healing with Marc S. Micozzi, MD. Jennifer combines her background in astrology, Acutonics, and graduate studies in Oriental Medicine to inspire new awareness of the human-cosmic connection. Find out more at

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