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Activism for Change in the Prison System through Healing Trauma

Jesse Crosson speaks with Rachel about his experiences as an inmate for 22 years in Virginia prisons and his perspectives on how there is better way to address criminal justice, a way that respects victims and prioritizes both public safety and genuine rehabilitation for offenders.

He also shares how learning meditation and a spiritual experience when hitting bottom as an alcoholic radically changed the trajectory of his life and how such resources should be made available to all inmates.

Jesse Crosson is a former inmate in Virginia correctional facilities, a writer and activist on behalf of reforming the way the justice system works and the way inmates are treated. While in prison, he received a degree in psychology from Ohio University. He volunteered as a mentor in the mental health treatment unit, he learned job skills, taught programs, connected with other people, and as he puts it, passed on the love and support that was so steadily given to him by so many.

Rachel Mann, Ph.D., is a sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor. Learn more at

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